I’m looking forward to it. Not that things are magically going to be better, but because–well, just because. It’s new. And shiny. And that makes things more hopeful.
We had a good Christmas. The Texas grandsons came to visit–with their dad. 😉 The boys are still here, but their dad had to go back to work. We have toys, shoes, candy, clothes and other little-boy paraphernalia strewn from one end of the house to the other. Ain’t it grand!
I got a new laptop computer for Christmas. (So did the fella and the youngest son.) This is the first laptop I’ve ever had–and I need to find that wireless mouse I have somewhere, because using the touchpad is giving me mouse elbow… Don’t know how moving my thumb and fingers makes my elbow hurt, but there it is. Still, I love it. It will go with me on the next trip to the parents’. Not that they have a wifi set up, but I can get a router to go on Daddy’s cable.
I made pecan and buttermilk pies for Christmas, and yesterday, we went on a cookie-making binge. Well, actually, I started by making snickerdoodles (again), and then the boy’s girlfriend, who’s spending a few days with us, made chocolate chip cookies, and then broke out the gluten-free chocolate chip cookie mix. The gf mixes from Betty Crocker & co. are pretty good stuff.
There’s even gf Bisquick! The fella got all excited, because he could finally, after nearly 30 years, have
chicken and dumplings again. We always made the dumplings out of biscuit dough or actual canned biscuits–totally wheat flour, which he can’t eat. So he got busy last night, mixed up two boxes of gf Bisquick dough and made himself (and us) chicken and dumplings. Pretty good, if I say so myself.
In parental news, Daddy seems to be responding well to his new medication. Even he says he’s not having so many “crazy ideas” or wild dreams. I did have to make the trip up twice last week, because Mother’s next older sister was very ill, and passed away Tuesday evening. They had a quick graveside service on Thursday for family and close friends, and will have a memorial service in another few weeks. The fella and I drove up to get Mama & Daddy and take them to Waco for the burial. About every 30 minutes, Daddy asked where we were going, and where exactly we were again, but overall he did pretty good. He did have lunch twice. We got there early enough to eat at a Chinese buffet before the service, but my brother and his wife didn’t, so we went with them to a Denny’s afterward, and Daddy had a big hamburger. Mama and I shared dessert.
It was good seeing all the family we haven’t seen in a few years–cousins and aunts and uncles. Daddy remembered some of them–didn’t remember my brother’s name, but remembered several of my cousins. Now of the four sisters, only the oldest and youngest (Mama) are left. Aunt Joyce is just as sharp as she ever was, which aggravates Mama half to death, because she has so much trouble remembering things. But we’ve been blessed to have them as long as we have.
Love your family as hard as you can while you can, because you don’t know how long you’ll have them. That’s my motto for the new year.