The grandkids were here. I just did not make it to the computer to type in a blog. I also did not take many pictures. (sigh) (That picture is of the view from our hotel room in Horseshoe Bay, which is where we went the day after my last day at work.) (I know. I am a bad blogger.)
I did write–most of the days. I forgot Saturday, last week. The day the boys arrived. I actually did write on Thursday–Schlitterbahn day–and on Tuesday, when we went up to Houston to the Children’s Museum (TOTALLY worth going to, but from here, you have to plan at least a whole afternoon, because it takes an hour to get there) (and an hour to get home again). Tuesday was also my RWA chapter meeting day. I left from the museum to drive there. It went really well. (Whew!) Meetings can be a little stressful when one is the program person.
The boys went home Sunday noon. I am now officially self-employed, and I need to get busy on that employment. The writing is a large part of it, and I’m doing pretty well on the writing. I am on DAY 9! (Go me!!)
I also need to do things like build a new website for my editing, and learn how to format books and make covers and stuff like that. It’s going to be a busy few weeks, I think.
Tomorrow, I’m going to write a blog post about writing. I am going to try to do writing posts on Wednesdays, because the Ws match. The rest of the time–it’s going to be about stuff.
Like the drought. It’s bad. I know it’s been up in the 100s over most of the country, which is horrible. It’s been that way here in Texas since–oh, May or so. Everything is drying up.
On the way to Horseshoe Bay, we crossed the Pedernales River (which is pronounced Perdnales, for some reason–probably that we’re ornery Texans). Those are not houses down in that “pretty valley.” Those are boat docks. On the bottom of the river. I imagine it’s as green as it is, because that’s the river bottom, and there are a few puddles down there… Now, Texans have a persistent habit of looking to see whether there’s any water in the river any time we cross a bridge (I sometimes even catch myself looking even when crossing the causeway over Galveston Bay). But usually–unless it’s the Red River–they don’t look like that. This is a really bad drought, y’all. We’re thinking it’s going to take a serious tropical storm to break it. Pray for rain, y’all–but not too much of it.