Nothing has been signed yet, but I think it’s safe to share my Big News.
Tor Books has made an offer to buy New Blood and the next two books in that universe. I don’t know if they will keep my titles–though I really like New Blood and Old Spirits. I do know that as of right now, they want to bring New Blood out in March 2009. That’s right at one year from now.
Then Old Spirits will come out in February 2010, and the third book, which is still nameless, in September 2010. This means I’d better get busy writing Old Spirits pretty quick, because I’d like to turn it in enough ahead of time that I have more than seven or eight months to write that third story. The deadlines will be Feb. ’09 and Sept. ’09, which makes that last one a little tight. If I didn’t write so dang long, this wouldn’t be an issue, but… I guess I’d better learn to thin things out a little better.
Needless to say, I am VERY excited. Tor has been one of my dream publishers, because of all the wonderful fantasy novels and fantasy romances they publish. I really like what they do, and I’m thrilled to be in their ranks.
So, there it is. New books from me will be coming. Eventually.
Gail, that’s incredible news! I’ve adored your One Rose books. They’re all on my keeper shelf. I’m extremely excited you’ve found a new publisher for your work.
Hooray hooray HOORAY! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! So very pleased! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *hugs*!!!!
Major congrats, so happy for you…and us readers!
Tor & Baen both have amazing authors. I usually book shop by authors, but these two publishers I will browse anything.
Way to go! -Denni