The New Desk

The desk has arrived. It is beautiful. The computer is moved to its new location. Now I have to work on getting the rest of the stuff stashed.

I have a big box of paper that will probably go into the L-corner. I have a square basket-with-lid that holds a lot of the other types of paper that I need to empty. I thinned out my crate of CDs and can move some of those. I no longer have a place to put my hunky fireman calendar though… Don’t know where the guys will go. Maybe I can find a really strong magnet with a hook that can hold it on the side of my file cabinet… And I need a new, longer telephone cord.

I’m just so good at fooling around on the computer rather than straightening things up. I’d rather do almost anything than organize stuff. Ah well.

At least the fella did not find the camera (it was right behind him, but he didn’t look) while I was sprawled across the desk on my stomach with my feet kicking in midair trying to get the surge protector plugged into the corner behind the desk. And yes, when I get round to downloading the picture of the desk, I’ll post it. Somewhere. Those round to-its are sometimes hard to find…

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