I am joining a book reading challenge, the TBR 2009 challenge. You try to read 12 books (one book a month) off your backed up shelves. I want to get some books off my To Be Read shelves. I have a lot of them. Plus the books under my bed. Plus… well, I have a lot.
So. This is my TBR challenge list. I’m going to mostly go by the suggested genres.
And I just remembered–I have a lot of RITA books I need to read, since I was on deadline and put them off till I finished writing a book. Anyway–I can read the TBR books too. Especially since I don’t have to read them in the particilar months. I’m just going to list them in order of the suggestions.
To be honest, my TBR pile is full of things that aren’t necessarily romance, because I read the romance first…But I will toil manfully away at my pile and try to whittle it down.
1. THE TEXAS RANGER by Jan Hudson – Harlequin American Romance (the only series romance on my shelf)
2. SABRIEL by Garth Nix. This was recommended by a friend of my son. That counts.
The suggested topic for February was a book bought because of an AAR DIK review…but I almost never visit AAR, so that’s no good. I just picked something that’s been sitting around on the shelves a long time…
3. LOVE AND HONOR by Randall Wallace – Historical novel w/romantic elements (I hope.)
It’s been sitting around a long time too.
4. EVE OF DARKNESS by Sylvia Day. I’ve been meaning to read this one a LONG time and really want to. Urban fantasy (I think. I know it’s fantasy of some kind.)
5. P.S. I LOVE YOU (don’t want to go back and look at the author.) The suggestion is for Friends to Lovers – Don’t know if I have any of those, but this one seemed maybe close.
6. GALE FORCE by Rachel Caine – Urban Fantasy – I usually don’t let those sit around too long, but I think that one’s been sitting the longest. It’s August of last year. The suggestion is “Tortured Hero or Heroine” and I think Caine’s heroine fits–but she’s mostly tortured by Rachel Caine, not her past…
Okay, in here? I’m going to be coming down to the line on my next deadline. So what I’m going to do is list what the suggestions are for and do what I can to get them done.
7. WHAT A ROGUE DESIRES by Caroline Linden. Wrongfully Accused, or Just out of Jail (???)
8. GET A CLUE by Jill Shalvis Specific authors. First of all, this is the last month before my deadline. I doubt I’ll get anything much read. (Though I did read 2 books this past month while on deadline, so one never knows.) But second, I don’t own any books by any of those people (Nora Roberts, Mary Balogh, Julia Quinn, etc.) that I haven’t read. What? Are you nuts? I glom onto them instantly. I’ll pick something from the stack.
9. THE SMOKE THIEF by Shana Abe. This is one of the authors on the list. I’ve been told that it picks up after the prologue, so I may just skip the prologue, because, honestly? Every time I start at the prologue…I put the sucker back down again. This will be after my deadline, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to read it then.
10. Horror! Hate horror. But I have some RS books that scare the pee-waddin out of me, so maybe I’ll get through Colleen Thompson’s HEAT LIGHTNING this time. (It scared me!) And hopefully, there won’t be any hurricanes…
11. TRUE DECEPTION by Patricia Waddell. Because it looks interesting. (Thanksgiving theme. Ha! It’s a SF romance)
12. LOVE OVER SCOTLAND by Alexander McCall Smith. It was in the closet at the newspaper where they put the books people send for reviews for whoever wants to to read, and it looks light and fun, so while it’s not Christmas theme, it’s not Heavy.
Don’t know if I will have a new deadline. I’ll need to get back to work on my big historical novel, if I have some time in here, so…
Maybe I can move a few more books off my shelves.
Iiiiii didn’t care for THE SMOKE THIEF all that much. I liked the idea better than the implementation…