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Sat, 22 Feb 2014 06:07:53 +0000hourly1http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.2By: Gail Dayton
Tue, 21 Mar 2006 19:41:00 +0000http://gaildayton.net/?p=471#comment-39Thanks so much for your comments. I enjoyed writing these books and it just tickles me to know that others enjoy reading them.
]]>By: Anonymous
Tue, 21 Mar 2006 19:27:00 +0000http://gaildayton.net/?p=471#comment-38I just finished The Barbed Rose–great work! I was impressed that you reintroduced the large cast of characters and past events so effectively without resorting to pages and pages of boring recap. This makes me feel a bit better about having to wait a year for book 3. I also thought you did a great job developing the interpersonal relationships in a realistic, believable manner. Furthermore, I appreciate your tasteful, mature approach in illustrating the non-traditional family. The popularity of crossover genres have given a lot of new authors room to explore speculative fiction, but not everyone seems to grasp that it is the speculative element of F/SF that has allowed explorations of gender, society, sex, etc. to flourish in these genres. Without good world building, sex is just sex in an alterative setting. Your work has the structure–world building, character development, etc.–to support such speculative explorations. Keep up the good work!